Research interests
Professional and academic expertise in BtoB relationship management with a focus on global industrial key accounts and their networks.
My field of research is BtoB marketing :
2019 – Récompense académique:
Juillet 2017 : obtention d’une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (université d’Aix-Marseille)
Une synthèse de ma HDR a été publiée dans le journal Excellence HA ( n°9 de décembre 2017)
L’habilitation à diriger les recherches permet à son titulaire de diriger des thèses. C’est une reconnaissance du haut niveau et de la maturité scientifique du candidat, du caractère original de sa démarche, de son aptitude à maitriser une stratégie de recherche et encadrer de jeunes chercheurs.
The « habilitation à diriger les recherches » allows its holder to supervise theses in the French academic system. It is a recognition of the candidate’s high level and scientific maturity, the originality of his approach, his ability to master a research strategy and to supervise young researchers.
Academic and professional awards
2012 : Nominated by FNEGE/SYNTEC for the « prix académique de la recherche en management » (Academic award for best research paper in management).
1986 : Prix du Concours du Mémoire Financier attribué par la Chambre Nationale des Conseillers Financiers (CNCF) – Award winner for the best Master thesis in international finance.
Topic : Export payments : problems and solutions (a comparative study between France, UK and Germany).
Scientific reviewer
Member of the Editorial Review Board of Industrial Marketing Management since october 2012
Conference attendance
- Other BtoB conferences
- Other conferences
16 published articles since 2011 :
« Addressing how small suppliers cope with large customers: using the dual dimension of a product portfolio and customer buying center ». Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. In press.
Co-authors: Abdelaziz, F. B., & Youssef, M.
« Lateral collaboration and boundary-spanning from a global leadership perspective: The case of global account managers » . Journal of World Business, 57(3), 101288.
Co-author: Zidani, K.
« Hegemony in asymmetric customer-supplier relationships ». Industrial Marketing Management, 87, 63-75.
Co authors: Rhona Johnsen, Audencia Business School and Joanne Meehan, University of Liverpool.
« B2B relationship management in complex product systems (CoPS) ». Industrial Marketing Management, 79, 53-57.(Editorial)
Co author: Francesco Appio, EMLV.
Call for Papers – 2017/ 2018
(guest editor of a journal special issue)
Along with Dr. Francesco Appio (EMLV, Business Group), I am guest editing a Special Issue on ‘B2B Relationship Management in Complex Product Systems’ for the Industrial Marketing Management journal.
If you work on high value, high technology and engineering-intensive products/services with a focus on dyadic, triadic, network, relationships or the impact of external concepts such as sustainability, servitization, digitalization, we would be happy to receive your papers !
Deadline for full paper submission : November 30, 2017.
See CfP hereunder :
« From selling to managing strategic customers – a competency analysis », Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 38, 1, 92-122.
Executive summary:
JPSSM – Executive Summary-From selling to managing strategic customers
Voir aussi la tribune parue dans Actionco.fr:
“Driving change : the role of « emotional connectedness » – A case study.” The Learning Organization*, 23, 5, 357-369.
Co-author : Janet Dekker
* ranked 4 by the CNRS
« Les pratiques conjointes de responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise (RSE) au sein d’un écosystème d’affaires – Une étude de cas« , Management & Avenir*, 85, 35-55.
Co-author : Catherine Pardo, EMLyon.
* ranked 4 by the CNRS
« An exploration of the ‘dark side’ associations of conflict, power and dependence in customer-supplier relationships », Industrial Marketing Management*, 59, 76-95.
Co-author : Rhona Johnsen, ESC Rennes.
* ranked 2 by the CNRS
« Perspectives on social media ant its use by key account managers », Industrial Marketing Management*, 54, 33-43.
* ranked 2 by the CNRS
Also see Harvard Business Review France,
« Sustainable value co-creation in business networks », Industrial Marketing Management*, 52, 151–162.
* ranked 2 by the CNRS
Voici la tribune que j’ai publiée le 30/11/15 dans The Conversation, issue de cet article :
« Suppliers’ power relationships with industrial key customers », Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing*, 30(5), 562 – 571
Co-author : Keith Blois, University of Oxford.
* ranked 3 by the CNRS
« Supplier-customer relationships : a case study of power dynamics”, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management*, 21 (4), pp. 229-240
Co-author : Rhona Johnsen, ESC Rennes.
* ranked 3 by the CNRS
Commentary on “Storytelling by the sales force and its effect on buyer-seller exchange”, Industrial Marketing Management*, 46, 143-146.
Co-author : Antonella La Rocca, Akershus University Hospital, Research Centre, BI Norwegian Business School.
* ranked 2 by the CNRS
« Coopetition and framework contracts in industrial customer-supplier relationships », Qualitative Market Research : An International Journal*, 17 (1), 43-57.
* ranked 4 by the CNRS
« Vertical coopetition » : the key account perspective, Industrial Marketing Management*, 41 (4), 649-658.
* ranked 2 by the CNRS
Segmentation fournisseurs et négociation : le cas du fournisseur « stratégique », Management & Avenir*, vol. 44, 202-218.
* ranked 4 by the CNRS
Comment mieux connaître vos clients BtoB ? (30/09/16)
Des solutions concrètes pour un véritable marketing vert (30/11/15)
Comment utiliser les réseaux sociaux avec vos clients importants ? (HBR France – 18/03/16)
«Global account management and leadership », 35nd IMP Conference, 27-30 August, IESEG Business School, Paris, France.
« Dyadic negotiation preparation (buyer versus supplier): a roadmap”, 28th Annual Conference of the International Purchasing and Supply Education & Research and Association (IPSERA), 14-17 April, 2019, Milan.
« Is the key account manager a salesperson?”, 34nd IMP Conference, 4 – 7 September, Kedge Business school, Marseille, France.
“An investigation of tensions the case of asymmetric supplier-customer relationships”, inaugural Industrial Marketing Management Summit, 24-26 January, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
“An exploration of the multiple facets of leadership within key account management », BMM-EMAC biennal conference, 6-8 July, 2017, Graz, Austria. (with Barbara Niersbach)
“Rethinking SMEs customer relational strategies « , 26th Annual Conference of the International Purchasing and Supply Education & Research and Association (IPSERA), 9-12 April, 2017, Budapest.
“Supplier-customer relationships- a portfolio analysis of asymmetry”, ISBM Academic Conference 2016, August 3-5, Atlanta, USA.
« Asymmetric customer-supplier relationships- an examination with Kraljic’s matrix”, 32nd IMP Conference, 31 August – 3 september, University of Poznan, Poland.
« Leading key account teams – a case study », 7th Bi-Annual International Conference on Business Market Management (BMM 2015), July 2-4, London, UK (with Barbara Niersbach and Björn Sven Ivens)
« From the « bright » to the « dark » side of relationships : a conceptual study of conflict, power and dependence -as bi-polar relationship characteristics », 31th IMP Conference, 25 – 29 August 2015, University of Southern Denmark Kolding (with Rhona Johnsen)
« BtoB relationships : the role of social media in the context of Key Account Management (KAM) », 31th IMP Conference, 25 – 29 August 2015, University of Southern Denmark Kolding.
« Value co-creation with strategic customers », 43rd EMAC Conference 2014, June 3-6, Valencia, Spain.
« Sustainable value co-creation in business networks », 2014 Global Marketing Conference, July 15-18, Singapore.
« Key Account Managers’ internal tasks : -A case study », 2014 ISBM Conference, July 30-31, San Francisco, USA (with Björn Sven Ivens, Alexander Leischnig, Barbara Niersbach and Catherine Pardo).
« Strategic customers’ network and value co-creation », 30th IMP Conference, september 3-9, Bordeaux, France.
« Rethinking supplier partnership : the CSR influence », 22nd annual IPSERA Conference 2013, March 24-27, Nantes, France.
« Moving out of a low-power position – evidence from industrial suppliers », 6th International Conference on Business Market Management (BMM 2013), June 20-22, Bamberg, Germany.
“Vertical relationships as arenas for joint CSR practices”, 29th IMP Conference, August 30-September 2nd, Atlanta, USA. (with C. Pardo)
« Becoming a customer-centric organization : dealing with the internal organizational tensions. », National Conference in Sales Management, March 14-17, Indianapolis, USA.
« Changing role of procurement contracts », 21st annual IPSERA Conference 2012, April 1-4, Naples, Italy. (with G. Oruezabala)
Market-focussed sustainability as innovation driver in B to B relationships, 28th IMP Conference, September 13-15, Rome, Italy. (Accepted paper).
« Global account attractiveness : the shift in the “give and take” negotiation process with “strategic” suppliers. », 27th IMP Conference, September 1- 3, Glasgow, UK.
« “Customer attractiveness” : the co-construction of a « countervailing power » by the suppliers with their key global customers. », 20th Annual IPSERA Conference 2011, April 10-13, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
« “Strategic Partnership” : Moving the Limit of Relationship Marketing Further », 10th International Conference Marketing Trends, January 20– 22, ESCP Europe, Paris.
Purpose : Although the terminology of “strategic partnership” has been commonly used among researchers and practitioners, a new sense has recently emerged which extends the cooperative border of the Relationship Marketing continuum (Day, 2000). This paper aims to report on a qualitative study that illustrates how “strategic partnership” has evolved and how
it has now appeared as a new segmentation of key customers’ suppliers.
Design/Methodology/Approach : A qualitative study based on four industrial case-studies is used to explore how the collaborative end of the relationship continuum has been extended.
Findings : The results show a sophistication of the customer-supplier relationship in Business-to-Business with a new conceptualisation of “quasi vertical integration”.
Managerial implications for the supplier are discussed as this new supplier segmentation may strongly impact on the key customer management of the supplying firms and provide SMEs with new opportunities to supply key accounts.
Research limitations : This research is a first step to investigate “strategic partnership” as an evolution in the customer-supplier relationship spectrum and aims to explaining the use of this new typology, rather than measuring it.
Originality/Value : Little research has been carried out, as of today, to explore the evolution of the far-end of the collaborative anchor of relationship marketing from the key customers’ perspective.
« Internationalising the French education paradigm », 2010 AMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, July 21 – July 24, IESEG School of Management, Lille (with J. Takhar).
« How do Key customers link cooperation and calls for competition (tenders) with suppliers ? The CSC (Correction- Strengthening- Commuting) model », 26th IMP Conference, September 2- 4, Budapest, Hungary.
« Fournisseur « stratégique » et négociation », 4th International biennale on commercial negotiation, November 17-18, – Negocia Business School, Paris.
Abstract : We study a new typology of suppliers, called « strategic » suppliers, which have been defined by their key customers those recent years. Grounded in this new supplier segmentation, our research goes further to find out the main features and consequences of this specific supplier status on negotiation. More specifically, we investigate the change in the negotiation main object.
« The New Frontier In B to B Relationship Marketing : The Construction Of A « Countervailing Power » By The Suppliers From Key Global Customers », 2010 IPSERA Workshop on “Customer attractiveness, supplier satisfaction and customer value”, November 25-26, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands.
« Global key accounts and supplier segmentation : emerging issues », 38th EMAC Conference, May 26-29, Nantes, France.
« Relationship “the development of new “hybrid” forms of exchange developed by key accounts with their suppliers, mixing competitive bids (transactional approach) and cooperation (relational approach) », 2nd B to B Marketing Workshop, June 19-20, Lyon, France.
“Power in business-to-business relationships : some problems of interpretation”, 25th IMP Conference, September 3-5, Marseille, France (with Keith Blois).
Abstract : Power is a complex topic and because of this in any writing on ‘power’ there is a difficulty in maintaining a clear line of argument as, in addition to a need to be very precise in the use of language, there is a requirement for statements to be inter-linked with each other and for caveats to be associated with them.
This paper will examine aspects of the concept of power using examples from the behaviour of the managements of industrial MNC’s or their suppliers which have made ‘power’ interpretations of their situations. It will thus provide an understanding of aspects of the concept of power which a manager
should take account if they choose to use a power interpretation.
« The « hybrid » relationship exchange from key accounts’ point of view with their suppliers », 37th EMAC Conference, Doctoral Colloquium, May 25-27, 2008, Brighton, UK.
« Relationship management from the key account buyer’s point of view : the role of frameworks contracts”, 1st B to B Marketing Workshop, June 20-21, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland.
“The development of “hybrid” forms of vertical exchange, mixing transactional and relational features : a key account’s point of view”, 24th IMP Conference, September 4-6, 2008, Uppsala, Sweden.
Case studies and book chapters
2015 : French Leaders and Multiculturalism in D.D. Warrick/Jens Mueller Learning from Real World Cases – Lessons in Changing Cultures, 2015, pp 111-120, RossiSmith Academic Publishing, Oxford, UK, ISBN 978-0-473- 30502-4.
2014 : Book chapter « Vertical coopetition : the key account perspective » In : Dr. Diana Woodburn et Kevin Wilson (eds), Handbook of Strategic Account Management, John Wiley & Sons.
2010 : Case study » did you say partnership ? Tensions in the purchase of packaging » – (Chapter Two – Organizational Buying Behaviour) inserted in Ellis, N. “Business to Business Marketing : Relationships, Networks & Strategies”, Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2005-2006 : Master of Research in Management (IAE Paris – La Sorbonne University)
2010 : PhD in Marketing – Doctoral School EDSDO (IAE Paris La Sorbonne University/HEC/ParisTech), thesis subject : “The development of new “hybrid” forms of vertical exchange, mixing transactional and relational features and studied from a global key account’s point of view”.
Celebrating the defense of my doctoral thesis :
Abstract in English :
For the past 10 years we have seen the purchasing department of leading and major companies restructuring their purchasing approaches and moving towards more formalised and global purchase processes. This move follows further pressure from their environment, which has become a hyper-competitive and global one. The question arises whether the Relationship Marketing paradigm which has been developing for over 20 years now, is not being turned by Key Account customers, under the influence of their purchase structures, into a « transactional/relational hybrid » relationship management paradigm.
This research is an empirical one to define new forms of a “hybrid” relationship between key Accounts and their network of suppliers, mixing features from transactional and relational exchanges and analysed from the key Account (customer) perspective.
We study why and how Key Accounts use this new form of customer–supplier relationship and define new pivotal mechanisms mixing opposite forms of exchange with the model “SCC” for “Strengthening – Correcting – Commuting”.
We also explore the explanatory forces behind these new supplier management relationships and define a new supplier segmentation and relationship dynamic.
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